This monastery dates from the 2nd century BC, however, the paintings were restored in the 18th century. You will discover stunning wall paintings and Buddha statues in five different caves.

You can visit the golden temple which holds a majestic Buddha, and continue towards the Buddhist caves on top of the hill. The Dambulla caves are another famous UNESCO world heritage site of the cultural triangle. The archeological museum is also very interesting. The main attraction is the Gal Vihara, a group of 4 Buddhas carved in granite stone. The ride is really nice and the gardens are well-kept. You can discover the area by bicycle and see anything from Hindu temples to palace ruins. Polonnaruwa was the island’s capital during the 11th and 12th centuries. The visit can take up to two days, depending on your level of interest. Visit the dagobas and learn about the prosperity of this city that lasted for over 10 centuries. There are many functioning Buddhist temples and the much visited sacred Sri Maha Bodhi Tree, one of the oldest “Bo” trees in the world. You will see royal ruins covering an area of 50 sq km. ANURADHAPURAĪnuradhapura was the first capital of Sri Lanka and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. It is ranked as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the most visited attraction in the cultural triangle of Sri Lanka. This site owes its reputation to a megalomaniac king who is said to have built his residence in the 5th century. Once you reach the top, admire the ruins of the ancient palace. When climbing, you will discover caves as well as beautiful frescoes on your way. Walk in the royal gardens before climbing the rock. The best time to visit here is during early morning hours after sunrise and late afternoon hours since the tropical sun can be a bit unforgiving at noon.Cultural Triangle Sri LankaThe massive rock in Sigiriya called the “Lion Rock” is 200 meters high. The major cities that are located in proximity to the site are Dambulla and Anuradhapura you could visit Avukana by tuk-tuk or by bus from either of these cities. The monolithic monument certainly instils calmness within your mind and it definitely makes you wonder how they have made such a masterpiece without the use of technology. Visiting the statue is mandatory if you are planning a tour of historic sites in Anuradhapura and it indeed offers you a profound sense of discovery and tranquillity upon reaching the site. Historians state that the statue resembles strong influences from Indian art which are directly reminiscent of artworks produced by Gandhara School of Art as well as Amaravati school of art. The statue is located right next to the Kalawewa reservoir and it measures 13 meters in height.

Historic evidence state that the statue was constructed during the reign of kind Datusena who ruled Anuradhapura during the period of 455AD to 473AD.

The statue also has the significance of being one of the oldest standing statues in the world of Lord Buddha projecting the Asia Mudra – a rare variation of Abhaya mudra ( a gesture of fearlessness). The region is exactly where one of the nation’s oldest kingdom flourished and thrived millennials ago. The statue is located at an archaeological site that is in the very centre of the north-central province on the island. Intricately chiselled and carved out of a block made of bricks and stone, a magnificent statue of Lord Buddha stands tall over the seemingly flat landscape – the Avukkana Buddha Statue as so it is called is one of the most stunning specimens of ancient art in Sri Lanka.